Thursday, November 12, 2015

Woman Calls Islam False Religion, Muslims Show Up To Convince Her Otherwise

**WARNING: Graphic.**
A Christian woman recently stuck to her guns after being confronted by a wild pack of angry Muslims, demanding she convert. After rejecting the men by telling them that Islam was a false religion and shooing them away, they later returned, intent on convincing the unfortunate woman otherwise.
According to reports, the incident took place in the Kalampete village in Kibuku District of eastern Uganda after Mamwikomba Mwanika, a mother of 8, was confronted by a few Muslims who wanted to convert the woman to their religion. Unfortunately for them, she wasn’t about to be intimidated into denouncing her own religion.
As it turns out, Mwanika’s brother-in-law, Samson Nfunyeku, was killed a month ago in the same village after extremists tried to do the same to him, but they eventually killed him as he remained steadfast in his belief in Christ.
After arriving to her home, the Muslim mob became rather angered when she failed to produce her husband, as he wasn’t home at the time. “Your husband has followed the religion of his brother, and we had warned you people to stop these activities, but our message has landed on deaf ears,” a member of the group was quoted saying before the men took violent action.
Mwanika’s 13-year-old child later recalled the incident, saying that the men “dragged our mother outside the house as she screamed and cried for help.” They then began to hack the woman with machetes before leaving her in a pool of her own blood to die in the streets as a message to everyone else in the village.
Her husband came home soon after to the horrifying sight of his bloodied wife lying in the streets, but reports indicate that she was still alive at that time. Before dying on her way to the hospital, she was quoted saying:
“I know that the attackers are looking for me. We are seeking God’s protection and His peace. May God give me the courage to continue sharing the love of Christ to those who are lost, as Jesus said we should love our enemies.”
Those are the words of a true martyr.
You see, that’s exactly where Islam and Christianity differentiate the most – the overall sentiment of the religion. While Mohammad and Allah claim that it is a Muslim’s duty to kill anyone who doesn’t agree, Christianity is nothing like that.
Jesus told us that we are to love our enemies, just as Mwankia said. A true martyr is someone who is killed for not denouncing their religion, despite being defenseless and knowing full well that not doing so would result in death.
Muslims on the other hand start killing people, and when those being attacked fight back and speak against Islamists, well, they call that Islamaphobia. You don’t get to pick a fight and declare yourself a hero when people fight back – that’s just insane. Then again, that’s Islam summed up in a nutshell.
Either way, it seems that officials in the area are concerned with the growing rate of “extremism” and murders related to the religion at the current time. It just goes to show why it’s so important that this mentality be wiped from the face of the planet. As they seem to only speak one language – violence.
I think it’s time they be met with such, as it is our obligatory duty to usher this religion into the fiery depths of hell, lest we allow the religion to destroy the world. After all, we’ve seen what happens when we try to ignore it – just ask President Barack Obama how well that is going

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