Friday, November 13, 2015

The Paris Terrorists Yelled Two Words Before The HORROR Began – And It ALL Makes Sense

What else would you expect to happen? Do you see white Presbyterians doing stuff like this?
Terrorists wielding AK-47s and hurling explosives executed at least 118 people inside a Paris concert hall late Friday night, in a massacre that followed coordinated attacks that killed at least 40 more people, rocking the French capital — prompting President Francois Hollande to close the entire nation’s borders and order a state of emergency.
The carnage inside the music venue ended around midnight local time when French police stormed inside, killing three Kalashnikov-toting gunmen who witnesses said wore flak jackets as they slaughtered horrified spectators. The victims had gathered to see the American rock band Eagles of Death Metal, and a handful managed to escape to tell of the horror taking place inside where the killers shouted “This is for Syria!” and “Alahu Akhbar!” as they cut down patrons from a balcony before the band took the stage.
French authorities said five attackers were “neutralized, one arrested and more could be at large in the combined attacks.
Read more: Fox News

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