Monday, November 2, 2015

Ted Cruz Calls Out GOP Leaders For the Whores They Are - Instigator News

Ted Cruz Calls Out GOP Leaders For the Whores They Are - Instigator News

(INN) – The Daily Signal (multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation) is reporting today on yesterday’s speech on the Senate floor by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who roundly criticized the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, a budget deal between former House Speaker John Boehner, President Barack Hussein, and House Democrats.
Cruz went on to deliver a protracted and scathing condemnation of the GOP establishment lawmakers (see video below), and warned of the perils of the last months of the Obama administration given its agenda and the damage it has done to America’s economy, as well as its domestic and foreign policy.
Referencing “The Washington Cartel,” which sells out their constituencies with increasing arrogant shamelessness, Cruz said the deal is yet another example of the failure of the “so-called Republican majority” to deliver on their promises to the American people.
“Now, if someone is an effective Democratic leader, you would expect them to be able to pass legislation when a majority of Democrats supported it and a majority of Republicans opposed it,” Cruz said. “Indeed, if you’re a partisan Democrat, that would be almost the definition of an effective Democratic leader.”
“Nineteen times in the last ten months this so-called Republican majority has passed legislation, has had a vote succeed where a majority of Democrats supported it and a majority of Republicans opposed it,” Cruz added.
Cruz said that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., “has proven to be a very effective Democratic leader.”
“Is this not a curious state of affairs? Why is a Republican majority leader fighting to accomplish the priorities of the Democratic minority?”


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