Monday, March 7, 2016

I Am Telling You to Get Out Now or Tell Me Why the U.S. Needs 30,000 Guillotines –

Let’s Take a Look at a Few Things Being Stored for Use on Us – Great Pictures

 Image result for guillotine

Where to start? I thought that if people saw some of the items ordered by the Government they may get a real sense as to how late it is. My job here is not fear. My job is to wake you up and see what the rest of us see that spend days week hours doing research because we want to stay alive and keep our families safe. If you think you have something more important I can only say you will be very sorry in the VERY near future.  I am talking weeks not months or years.
So if we look above we see UNDERWATER BODY BAGS. NEVER ORDERED BEFORE FOR USE IN THE UNITED STATES for homeland use.  When I contacted Savage COFFINS in Georgia they said the order was for 500,000 COFFIN LINERS. Cost 1 Billion dollars. I’m sorry but I have heard of pay it forward but this brings a whole new meaning to it. Through your taxes you will pay for a coffin you have to share with 2 other people. Again sorry but this so serious you have to find humor in this because it is so in your face.

Where to start? I thought that if people saw some of the items ordered by the Government they may get a real sense as to how late it is. My job here is not fear. My job is to wake you up and see what the rest of us see that spend days week hours doing research because we want to stay alive and keep our families safe. If you think you have something more important I can only say you will be very sorry in the VERY near future.  I am talking weeks not months or years.
So if we look above we see UNDERWATER BODY BAGS. NEVER ORDERED BEFORE FOR USE IN THE UNITED STATES for homeland use.  When I contacted Savage COFFINS in Georgia they said the order was for 500,000 COFFIN LINERS. Cost 1 Billion dollars. I’m sorry but I have heard of pay it forward but this brings a whole new meaning to it. Through your taxes you will pay for a coffin you have to share with 2 other people. Again sorry but this so serious you have to find humor in this because it is so in your face.
You will be pleased to know the United States ordered the cheapest one made. They are trying to save money. What else do we have here of yes the GUILLOTINE can any American tell me why the United States Needs 30,000 GUILLOTINE’S. ADD INSULT TO INJURY THEY WERE MADE IN CHINA AND SENT TO ANOTHER COUNTRY TO BE ASSEMBLED. If you think they bought them and they don’t intend to use them I have a surprise for you. YOU ARE WRONG.
You see the little pins? Eneryone one indicates a FEMA CAMP. You will probably get a tour unless some type of miracle happens. The old outside saviour myth. But don’t get the wrong idea. This is only the fema camps. This doesn’t include the FEMA work camps. Get ready because you will be seperated from your family by one of the 50,000 Spetnauts Russian troops on American soil. Ask anyone that lives near Fort Carson. They are equivalent to our Navy Seals. How about the BILLION rounds of hollow point ammunition ordered by the post office. the IRS, FEMA, National Parks Service.
Sorry can’t go through the whole list but every employee of the Government will have a gun. And you know what the scariest part is. The U S placed an order for the type of bullet that fits the guns of NATO. Do you know how to say MERCINARY BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY ARE. If you are in some type of mindset that thinks they are peace keepers. They are the exact opposite. Google Nato troops killed civilians. It should make you sick.
I really feel sorry for people that made a decesion to stay in the states because when they get done everything you have will be gone. You see the President has signed over 1,000 executive orders and in them he is given permission to take everything from your food, house, car, tractor and resist and you probably find yourself in a pool of blood on the floor. TELL ME WHY DOES THE GOVERNMENT NEED A 40 FOOT TRACTOR TRAILER FILLED WITH SIGNS THAT SAY MARTIAL LAW HAS BEEN DECLARED. I would love to hear from anyone to tell me why these are needed. UNLESS????? I WANT TO CLOSE MY LITTLE RANT NOW BY SAYING THAT, WELL I WAS GOING TO SAY GET A GUN BUT YOU KNOW WHAT IT’S JUST NOT GOING TO MATTER.  
I so hope I am wrong but I haven’t been yet. I like most people think tomorrow is going to be like today, cognitive disonance, this time it’s different we are going to fight a war in our own country. I think thats why it is so hard to grasp. Watch out because the next thing is going to be a false flag for the purpose of declaring Marshall Law. It is my understanding the target is the power grid in Texas. This could be wrong I was only told by one person, Military, but still just one person.  Be Safe, Be Aware and God Bless you all.
You will be pleased to know the United States ordered the cheapest one made. They are trying to save money. What else do we have here of yes the GUILLOTINE can any American tell me why the United States Needs 30,000 GUILLOTINE’S. ADD INSULT TO INJURY THEY WERE MADE IN CHINA AND SENT TO ANOTHER COUNTRY TO BE ASSEMBLED. If you think they bought them and they don’t intend to use them I have a surprise for you. YOU ARE WRONG.

Image result for fema coffins

Image result for fema coffins

Where to start? I thought that if people saw some of the items ordered by the Government they may get a real sense as to how late it is. My job here is not fear. My job is to wake you up and see what the rest of us see that spend days week hours doing research because we want to stay alive and keep our families safe. If you think you have something more important I can only say you will be very sorry in the VERY near future.  I am talking weeks not months or years.
So if we look above we see UNDERWATER BODY BAGS. NEVER ORDERED BEFORE FOR USE IN THE UNITED STATES for homeland use.  When I contacted Savage COFFINS in Georgia they said the order was for 500,000 COFFIN LINERS. Cost 1 Billion dollars. I’m sorry but I have heard of pay it forward but this brings a whole new meaning to it. Through your taxes you will pay for a coffin you have to share with 2 other people. Again sorry but this so serious you have to find humor in this because it is so in your face.
You will be pleased to know the United States ordered the cheapest one made. They are trying to save money. What else do we have here of yes the GUILLOTINE can any American tell me why the United States Needs 30,000 GUILLOTINE’S. ADD INSULT TO INJURY THEY WERE MADE IN CHINA AND SENT TO ANOTHER COUNTRY TO BE ASSEMBLED. If you think they bought them and they don’t intend to use them I have a surprise for you. YOU ARE WRONG.


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