Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Right Candidates Will Save America

It is up to us to find and elect the right candidates.

The right candidate comes out of the real world that most Americans live in. They are knowledgeable of American history, our Constitution, historical failure of socialism, and the dangers presented by our enemies both from within our country and foreign. Their career objective is not a political career but are willing to take time out from their lives to devote time and energy to the preservation of this great nation. Their resume must include more then a lifetime of running for office. They must exhibit the same characteristics of our founders; business people, professionals, scientists, and warriors with a desire to serve the public good but not dictate to the public. Small government must be their goal and appose government control of health care and other businesses. They must recognize the threat of terrorism. They must exhibit common sense, be willing and able to implement action to reduce our national debt and get this country back on sound footing.

There are two things needed to cut into the debt that our federal government has encumbered us with. First, stop distributing wealth by stealing from those who have earned it and reverse current efforts of economic stimulation. We need to down size governments at all levels to minimize the cost of governance, thereby reducing required revenue and taxes.

At the same time we must encourage entrepreneurism by scrapping Cap ‘n’ Trade, commit to energy independence by supporting wind farms, solar and nuclear generated electricity, harvest domestic oil and natural gas deposits, and better balance echo preservation with the needs of the people.

In addition, government grants must be minimized and replaced by competitive biding to develop new and innovative products such as engines for cars and planes, better building materials, and non-draconian methods to preserve our environment.

Reducing taxes and down sizing government will create a revenue surplus to be used for the reduction of our national debt and create a man-made and natural disaster fund.

Yes, it is possible to accomplish great things if we dedicate our selves to preserving this great nation. Vet new candidates, pick the right ones, and make sure they are elected.

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