Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Climate Change Regulations to Reduce American Farmland

Continuing the rush to lower our quality of life, our government wants to reduce the acreage devoted to edible crops. They want the farmers to plant forests. This could potentially double the cost of domestic produce. Naturally this would cause a rise in the cost of imported produce. This farmland may be lost forever. The federal government is constantly claiming more and more land, creating national reserves. This eliminates the land from farming or other commercial use.

Who would benefit from this? Some farmers might benefit slightly from higher prices. These would primarily be the large corporate farms while the small farmer would be put out of business. Foreign produce importer’s profits would rise substantially. By raising the cost of living in America more people would be put on welfare locking in more votes for the socialists, who will also benefit while capitalism loses big.

Americans will be the losers as the socialist in Washington continue to take over. They are not satisfied with owning most financial institutes and all but one car manufacture. They are limiting the land that Americans own or use.

We must put a stop this. Vet new candidates, pick the right ones, and work to elect them.

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