Friday, April 1, 2016

Muslims Immigrants Argue They Should Not Be Forced To Assimilate…DEMAND National Anthems Replacement.

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There’s of course an easy and obvious remedy in solving this issue of what Muslim’s consider “an oppressive campaign” of “forced assimilation”…that obvious remedy, “don’t migrate to those countries that expect you to assimilate”, it’s really that easy.
However according to recent reports from Australia, the national anthem of that country for a majority of Muslims is “oppressive,” or at least that is the claim that the Islamist activist group Hizb ut-Tahrir claimed at the “Innocent Until Proven Muslim” conference at Bankstown, the western part of Sydney.

The conference was attended by about 800 people.
Uthman Badar, the spokesman for the group, claims that the Australian government “claims to afford freedom, but seeks to impose values and beliefs” on Muslims.
He continued; “It’s not enough that you obey the law, no, you have to adopt our values,” Mr. Badar told the conference.

The conference is just one example of the refusal of Muslims to assimilate to the countries that they choose to be a part of. Is it oppressive to ask that the community show pride and respect for their home?

The irony of course is that while Muslims complain of assimilation, the teachings within the Koran preface to many just the opposite, and history has demonstrated throughout the ages, that devote practicing Muslims, in many cases when in the majority prefer subjugation rather than assimilation.

These are the exact same Muslim migrants that are coming to the U.S. in droves. There is no reason to assume that the results will be different here than they are with this case in Australia.

Polls have shown repeatedly that Muslims do not hold a nations laws over Sharia law


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