Saturday, January 23, 2010

California's Prop. 13 Will Be Attacked In The coming Months

Most California Legislatures and many candidates will be looking for ways to increase taxes. Prop. 13 set the limit of rate increase to 2% per year unless the property was sold. This means if you bought a house in 1979 the property tax has increased 2% a year for 30 years. Do the math. Your rate now is 30 times what it was when you bought the house. That should be enough taxes. Sacramento must be able to run on the current standards.

These convoluted attempts will try to garner support by pitting different segments of the population against each other. They have tried and will again to separate commercial and residential properties and tax commercial property at a higher rate. This would affect every renter since the tax increase will just be passed on by the owner. Residential renters will pay higher rent. Stores and businesses will be charging more and/or hiring less to compensate for the higher taxes.

The other tactic by tax and spend legislatures is to lower the 2/3 requirement to raise taxes. There by reducing the people's will.

Look into the attitude of all candidates. Those who insist that taxes need to be raised to fix the California budget must not be allowed to office. California needs to adjust its attitude toward business and better balance business growth with environmental safe guards. People must be put first always. We must support candidates who will overturn (even if temporarily) AB 32 and reduce business taxes and fees.

Currently a business must go through years of environmental tests that will cost more than is worth the trouble. They can start or expand their business in other states without these restrictions. That is what business is doing and California is suffering.

Some candidates cannot see beyond raising taxes to increase revenues while others are beholding to union and other special interest lobbies.

Be wary of candidates trying to buy their office with exorbitant spending on their candidacy. These people have no idea how the rest of us live. Their solution is to spend rather than to budget. These are the ones we need to keep out of office.

Before supporting a candidate vet them carefully. Make sure they will be prudent with your tax money. Once you find the right candidate, work hard to elect him/her.

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