Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Open Primaries and a Part-Time Legislature

With party registration being seven to three favoring the Democrats, the Republican vote would be diluted to the point of insignificants. The Democrats could swing the primary towards the most unelectable Republican candidate. I believe that would border on unconstitutional. Allowing Declined to State voters to participate in the primaries gives them a say and should be the way we hold primaries.

A full time legislature promotes the career politician. This creates an elite ruling class whose primary concern becomes self-promotion. The career politician develops the attitude of knowing better than the populous, a concept that our founding fathers rejected.

This rule by a few of the many is what this country ended with our declaration of independence. They wanted to get away from those that ruled according to their own needs rather then those of the people.

If we examine the make-up of politicians, we see families of career politicians, all of which live totally different lives form those that they are supposedly representing. This is made very evident by the many ballot initiatives and even more by the Tea Parties. Our officials are not fulfilling the wishes and needs of the voters.

In California we see career politicians and the rich playing potentates. This created a situation that is great for them but killed the business environment pushing companies and jobs out of the state, reducing revenues, and forcing the general population into poverty.

A part time legislature will be made up of civic-minded individuals who take time out of their daily lives to do the work of the people. They will be less concerned with making laws that perpetuate their careers and concentrate on getting the most needed work done.
We would not need term limits and be able to keep the experienced and able minded as long as they want to serve. They would be in service like the National Guard, taking a few days a year to serve but still having regular jobs living regular lives like those they represent.

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