Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1930's Germany and 2009 America

Is there a parallel between 1930’s Hitler regime and our present administration? Well lets take a look at this.

In the 1930’s Hitler blamed all the woes of the German people on the “rich Jewish bankers and business men”.
In 2009 Obama blamed the woes of Americans on the “rich greedy (republicans) running businesses and financial institutions”.

In the 1930’s Hitler took control of Germany’s financial institutions.
In 2009, Obama took control of American’s financial institutions.

In the 1930’s Hitler took over the industrial complex of Germany.
In 2009, Obama took control of 2/3 of America’s largest industry there by controlling many more businesses (manufacturer supplies, third party product suppliers, auto services, etc).

In addition to the incarcerating the Jews, Hitler began rounding up those that did not agree with him (my relatives ended up in concentration camps) and also those that just did not want to go along with his master plan (my dad was rescued from the Gestapo by his college friend who was a “fifth column” guy in the SS”.

Now Obama is asking his supporters to report dissidence to his programs, is starting a National Civilian Security Force (he does not call it that anymore), setting up Homeland Security detention centers at military posts across the nation, and his cohort Pelosi is calling dissidents “unpatriotic”.

In the 1930’s Hitler controlled every aspect of every German and most other European citizen’s life.
Now Obama is trying to implement egregious taxation on us with the cap and trade scheme to make us poor and control who lives or dies with his ObamaCare.

Hitler ran out of money so he printed and printed it until the German people needed a sack full of it to buy groceries.
Obama and his gang in congress have spent more money then the US has so he is printing money hand over fist.

Hitler made an alliance with Islamists to wipe out the Jews of Europe.
Obama is reaching out to Islamic organizations and Nations whose aim it is to destroy the only Jewish state.

See the similarity here?

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