Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hidden Agenda of ObamaCare

Re-distribution of wealth encompasses more than just taking cash from those who earned it and giving it to those that didn’t. It includes denying the deserving.

The latest example is when several men qualified for advancement in their fire department but were not promoted because most of them where Caucasian. Now there were no quotas in place but it was decided that the politically correct thing to do was to deny them their due. Ms. Sonia Sotomayor summarily ruled that it was a proper decision. Soon, she will be confirmed to the highest court of the land.

This appointment along with Federal Government’s control of grants and loans to college students sets the stage for the use of criteria other than excellence graduating and hiring medical professionals. ObamaCare has provisions for selection of who will get to attend medical school, what fields of medicine they will study and practice, and where they will work. People with lesser qualifications will be admitted to medical school. The schools will be forced graduate not the best but an “equal representation” of the population. There will be no incentive to excel.

This means that the doctor diagnosing your ailment may not be knowledgeable enough to make an accurate assessment. Your dentist might have missed most of the classes on gum disease. How dedicated is a nurse who went through school with mediocre or even failing grades?

With ObamaCare, private medical practice will not exist. Medical professionals won’t be able to choose where to practice they will be placed where the government puts them. How dedicated will the medical professional be under these circumstances? How comfortable will you be, knowing that your life is in the hands of a disgruntled practitioner?

The Obama administration along with congress under the leadership of Pelosi and Reid are working to control you in all aspects of your life. ObamaCare is one other part of this socialist plan. We all must reject socialism else we lose all that past generations have fought and some died for. Do not let that happen. Be sure to vet, campaign for, and elect candidates that will stand for our great constitution; freedom of speech, individual rights, and liberty for all.

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