Thursday, May 7, 2009

Barack Obama as Capo di tutti capi

Posted with permission form auther Richard McDOnald

It is not that one disputes that Barack Obama is the boss of all bosses it is the mafia-style way in which he is remaking the America that should scare all patriots. He has a deal that you can’t refuse and if you do he will rain his vengeance upon you like no other President in history – and he is only three months into his reign.

Take the case of Chrysler Corporation. Under American law a secured creditor – say bondholders that lend money to a corporation – are preferred in the distribution of proceeds on the disposition of the company’s assets upon liquidation in bankruptcy. If the proceeds are insufficient to cover those secured creditors then those unsecured creditors (who only rely on the financial strength of the corporation to pay its bills) receive nothing.

That is until Capo di tutti capi Barack Obama got his hands on the wheel. In the Chrysler “White House arranged bankruptcy” he has given 33 cents on the dollar to secured bondholders and 50 cents on the dollar to the unsecured creditors – union pensions. Now under all previous Presidents throughout American history, those unsecured creditors would have received nothing.

Now comes Capo Obama. Mr. Cool Exterior seethes inside. He has his eye is righting all wrongs corporate America has visited upon “his” people without regard for the American Constitution or the rule of law. This is the “change” the American people bought.

Perella Weinberg, a bond holding firm "was directly threatened by the White House and in essence compelled to withdraw its opposition to the deal under threat that the full force of the White House press corps would destroy its reputation if it continued to fight." They compiled and sold out their bondholders.

This is the guy everyone thought would be pragmatic and measured in his governance. He promised to bring change. What he really brought was anarchy and chaos right into the White House – all orchestrated by the new Capo di tutti capi – Barack Hussein Obama.

There is little question that the UAW wages and benefits bankrupted Chrysler. Now to finish the job on its bondholders should do wonders for the bond market which will undoubtedly jack up interest rates to cover the possible “unsecured nature” of their “secured” loan.

If he gets away with this obvious conflict of interest because the UAW spent millions in time, talent and money supporting his ascendance, hide the kids. This guy is a threat to the American way of life and ordered business orthodoxy. The guy is a street organizer who is doing what he has been doing all his life.

Be afraid America – be very afraid. He has brought his knives right to your kitchen table.

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