Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Call for Dialogue with Muslims is Just Part of The Jihad.

Muslims and others are trying to set the stage for dialogue between Western and Islamic leaders. They are trying to maneuver any discussions to concentrate on what the west must do. They are making demands that the west stop economic sanctions like the ones against Iran, Hamas, Hizbollah and others. There is no talk about what Islam needs to do for better relations with the west.

The leaders of Islam are on a quest to decimate the world’s population of Jews and to subjugate the world to Islam. We do not want to submit to Islam and I am sure that the Jews have no desire to be exterminated to please the warped desires of Islam. Now each side believes that their views are better than the other’s. The main difference between the two is the west is willing to tolerate all religions while Islam can not tolerate other beliefs and independent thought. To them just the mere existence of a different belief is an attack on Islam. This attitude is not conducive to rational debate let alone negotiations for mutual existence. When a country like Iran is calling for the destruction of a nation and a people, calls those that are not in tune with that attitude (including other Muslims nations) as the enemy, and is working on developing nuclear weapons and means to deliver them long range the west is left with only two options; economic sanctions or military action. We need to do what ever we can to prevent the mass murder of a people and the spread of the aggression in the Middle East which will spread to the rest of the world. Sanctions are a humane way of trying to convince Iranians and others to become a better world neighbor; especially since the alternative would bring misery and death to perhaps millions.

The other topic that Islamic leaders and pundits want on the table in “negotiations” is ending support for nations with autocratic governments that do not echo the call to for the destructions of all non-Muslims. I assume they are talking about nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and others. These nations are under attack by forces that want to overthrow these governments and replace them with a Caliphate style of rule like the Taliban instituted in Afghanistan. The standard of living in these nations would revert to seventh century Islam, a way of life where women are property and are not allowed an education. All the resources of these nations would be applied to the Islamic war on the west at the expense of the people of those lands.

Agreeing to either of these demands by Islamic leaders would be tantamount to aiding and abetting the goals of those that are on a quest to destroy us. I say Islam needs to accept independent thought, freedom of speech, and respect other religions before we can begin negotiations for mutual benefit.

The west has but one option if Islam does not have a major reformation; we win they lose.

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