Saturday, January 3, 2009

What Can the Results of Negotiating With Iran Bring?

I just heard Mr. Hooman Majd on FOX NEWS. He says that we need be less aggressive with Iran. To me this goes against all logic. What is there to negotiate about with a regime that discounts the genocide by Nazi Germany, declares the United States as the devil, has a goal of eradicating a whole nation, and insists on developing nuclear weapons whose only purpose can be to dominate the region? This regime is funding terrorists all over the world with goal of conquering the world ruled by an Islamic Caliphate.

The major part of negotiations is for both sides to agree to some of each side’s demands. The west wants Iran to be a good world neighbor. Iran wants to eliminate all that do not embrace Islam, especially the Jews (now and all other faiths and non-faiths later as they are doing within their country.) The only thing that would appease the Iranian leadership is to sacrifice Israel and accommodate them in their desire to become a nuclear power. Even if we acquiesce to their demands what can they offer in return that would benefit the world in the long run? I can’t imagine anything at all.

It has been proven over and over again that might makes right and appeasement shows weakness in this region of the world. When Israel agreed to all the demands of Arafat and the PLO, Arafat rejected the offer. Israel agreed to all the demands and wanted just one thing in return. That was the acceptance of the existence Israel. This acceptance of the terms by Israel took Arafat by complete surprise. He did not think that it would happen and was forced to reject peace on no substantive grounds.

I can not see any resolution the tension between Iran and the rest of the world until Iran gives up its goal to dominate the Middle East by force.

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