Photo: CIJnews
Posted by: CIJnews Editor January 26, 2016
CIJnews has obtained a copy of the questionnaires given to Syrian refugees prior to their arrival to Canada. The following are segments of these questionnaires which deal mainly with security issues:
Membership or association with organizations:
List all organizations that you have been a member in, supported or been associated with; this can include youth groups, trade unions, professional associations or political and social groups. Please provide documents to support. Write ‘none’ if no affiliations.
Government positions:
List any government positions held (such as judge, civil servant, employee in a security organization or police officer). Write ‘none’ if no such positions.
Military and/or paramilitary service:
List all military service; include all identifying information such as unit number and rank as well as dates and places of active combat. Please provide documents to support).
If you did not participate in military/paramilitary service, please explain why not.
If you did not participate in military/paramilitary service, please explain why not.
List all addresses that you have lived at since your 18th birthday or for the past 10 years, whichever is most recent. Give to – from dates and full addresses (no P.O. Boxes).
Personal history:
Provide below the details of your personal history either for the past 10 years or since you turned 18, whichever is most recent. This means if someone is 43 they should provide information since they were 33 but if someone is 25 they should only provide information since they turned 18. The information should include school, work, unemployment, retired, detention, time as a refugee and travel. Give exact dates (to – from), the country and city/town and name of organization (such as company or employer). If you were outside your country of nationality, indicate your status in that country. Start with the most recent information. DO NOT LEAVE GAPS IN DATES
Have you ever previously applied to come to Canada as a refugee? If yes, when and where did you apply? What was the result? How have your circumstances changed since you applied previously?
Do you currently have a refugee status application in process? If you have already received refugee status do not answer this question; move to the next question. If yes, provide as much detail as possible, including dates of application, date of interview, and response if you have had your interview.
Have you ever applied for Convention refugee status with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the country you are in or another country? If yes, what was the result? Please provide a copy of your refugee status document.
Describe the exact route of your journey from your home country to your current location. Give as much detail as possible such as mode of transportation (must include year and month or explanation of why this cannot be remembered and days if remembered) and airlines with flight numbers, if applicable. If you lived in any other countries give information about your travel there, entry, status in the country, exit and reason for leaving.
What protection, if any, did you seek from the authorities of your home country? If you did not seek protection from the authorities of your home country, why didn’t you? Give details.
Will you be able to return to your home country? If “NO”, explain why not.
Will you be able to return to your home country? If “NO”, explain why not.
Give details such as names of people who are targeting you, if you have been threatened what proof is there, when did it happen and what was said? If the danger is felt because of targeting of others from your family or community please explain, give detail such as names of who is causing the danger and examples with dates.
Are you free to work, attend school and travel freely within the country where you currently live? If “NO”, explain why not.
Describe any danger you face in the country you are now living in (example, military or other authorities), give detail such as names of who is causing the danger and examples with dates (must include year and month or explanation of why this cannot be remembered and days if remembered). If the danger is felt because of targeting of others from your family or community please explain, give detail such as names of who is causing the danger and examples with dates.
Set out in chronological order all of the significant events of persecution (what happened that made you leave your home country); exact dates (must include year and month or explanation of why this cannot be remembered and days if remembered) and names of people and places. Give details such as names of people who are targeting you, if you were threatened what proof is there, when did it happen and what was said? Do not give general statements; this information should explain what happened to you and/or your family members, or others individuals who are like you. DO NOT LEAVE GAPS IN DATES
NOTE: the information which is given for this question will be what makes the basis for the refugee claim. DO NOT leave anything out but if you have already given this information in another questions write ‘see above’ and explain the significance of all information given as if the person reading the information has no prior knowledge of any events, places or people. Please make sure the explanation is as clear as possible and provide any supporting proof, e.g. police statements, news reports.
Have you even been convicted for a crime or offence in Canada? If so provide details.
Have you ever been or are currently being charged with, on trial for, or party to a crime or offence, or subject of any criminal proceedings in any other country? If so provide details.
Have you ever made previous claims for refugee protection in Canada or at a Canadian visa office in any other country, or with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)? If so provide details.
Have you ever been refused status (refugee or other immigration status) in Canada or another country? If so provide details.
Have you been refused entry to or been ordered by authorities to leave Canada or any other country? If so provide details.
Have you ever been involved in genocide, a war crime or any other crime against humanity? If so provide details.
Have you ever used, planned to use or advocated the use of armed struggle or violence for political, religious or social reasons? If so provide details.
Have you ever been a member of or associated with a group who has used, uses or advocates the use of armed struggle or violence for political, religious or social reasons? If so provide details.
Have you even been a member of an organization that is or was engaged in an activity that is part of criminal activity? If so provide details.
Have you ever been detained, incarcerated or put in jail? If yes explain what happened, what the charge was, who arrested you, the dates you were in jail and how you got out. If so provide details.
Have you ever had a serious disease or physical or mental disorder? If so provide details.
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