Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Punishment for reading a Bible in Saudi Arabia

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"Muhammad was once a refugee taken in by the Jewish City of Medina. Within 5-years, he had driven out, executed, or enslaved every jew there."


Ever had a cut in your finger and it hurts like mad? Well…
punishment for reading bible  

Saudi Arabia: This is the new form of punishment in one of the Saudi nations. According to reports sent to us from Arabia, this is a new punishment used on at least one person found to possess a bible. Since then, four more people have come forth and confirmed that they have seen people with similar punishments. Saudi Arabia refuses to recognize the religion of immigrants, and allows any non-Muslim within a certain distance of Mecca to be killed. 

Sharia punishment 

“Crucifixion is a hadd punishment, stipulated in the Quran, Sura 5:33, and therefore an obligatory part of Shariah.”  The crucified man, branded as Christian, is Saleh Ahmed Saleh Al-Jamely who was executed on February 12, 2012 after being convicted by a court managed by Ansar Al-Shari’a accused of being a “Saudi spy” and placing two chips in two cars that were later targeted by U.S. drones.
Apart from their Sharia law, based on the doctrine’s of their ‘prophet’ Mohammed (warlord and pedophile) Saudi Arabia has been short of head-choppers for their 2,500+ decapitations per year PER executioner and have been advertising to fill these dirty positions for quite sometime.
An executioner is a job done by ‘lower status’ individual and is a position that is paid per execution by the government under confidentiality agreements. The government also provides the sword. The Saudi government has been considering firing squads to fill the shortage of executioners.
Executioners have said they are “proud to do God’s work”. But is it a god or a man who sentence these people, without a fair trial, tortured into confessions?
islamic school  
children how to cut off a thief’s hands and feet under Sharia law – Photo Daily Mail.  The books were published and handed out to 9th and 10th-graders despite Saudi Arabia’s promises to clean up textbooks in the kingdom. Ali Al-Ahmed, director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs, told Fox News: ‘This is where terrorism starts, in the education system. ‘They show students how to cut (the) hand and the feet of a thief,’ he said.The textbooks were printed for the 2010-2011 academic year and translated from Arabic by the institute. In one, for ninth-graders, students are taught the annihilation of the Jewish people is imperative. In addition to calling for the murder of Jews, the texts reportedly call women “weak” and teach that gays are dangerous and should be put to death.
And it doesn’t get better in other Muslim societies. Sharia is prevalent in all of them, with more or less extreme measures. The Iranian government announced new legal punishment tools under Sharia: an electronic saw is now being used to cut off hands, fingers and feet [see picture from government announcement below].
Iran: A man gets his hand cut off. In January 2013 the Iranian government published pictures of a new tool for cutting fingers and hands off people. The machine, resembling a saw, was used for the public amputation of an adulterer’s fingers on Wednesday. The images were published by on of Iran’s official press agencies. Apparently the machine has been used before, but it’s not clear for how long. The machine intends to replace manual cutting of limbs by knife..
Many Muslims commenting on our blog claim these punishments are fake  and that Islam is the religion of peace, being slandered by non-Muslims, and that they have no problems reading a bible in their country. This can be easily proven. We challenge any Muslim in UAE, Kuwait, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, to come forth and provide a video clip of them reading a bible with their full face visible. Include the address and we will forward the clip to the Muttawwa of the country. You can then send a videoclip from the office of the Muttawwa with yourself and your bible, and an official letter from the police confirming you had no restrictions or problems reading your bible. You can also film yourself in Mecca reading a bible in public view. Forward this to us to prove these claims are false, and we will publish the letter and the video clip to provide evidence to your claim.

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