Friday, March 3, 2017

Obama Goes After Krauthammer After He Lays Out Perfect Plan To Destroy Him Live On The Air

by American News

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This week, Charles Krauthammer explained in no uncertain terms that President Trump needs to “attack” the Obama administration holdovers who are colluding to take him down.

“It’s one of the main conservative arguments against big government,” Krauthammer said in a recent segment. “It’s not that it’s just inefficient, it’s not just that it’s impersonal, it’s not just that in the way that it restricts our liberties—it’s that it develops its own interests.”
“You’ve got to get the same people to carry out a weakening of their own powers. For that, you need a president with a lot of public support,” he explained. “This president has the two houses of Congress with him, so this is an opportunity to do that, and deregulation is one way to do that and depopulation of the bureaucracy—to allow the numbers to go down by attrition is another way to do that.”
“Every time a new person comes in and enters the cabinet, becomes the head of a department, they instantly discover that there are people who are entrenched—have been there forever—who know the ropes and can foil you simply by delaying,” he concluded.
“This is a chronic issue, and you want to use the energy and the support and the honeymoon of a new presidency…to go ahead and attack it.”

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