Sunday, March 19, 2017

Road Blockage By Muslim Migrants – What Followed Was TERRIFYING

From the moment that Donald Trump established his momentary travel restriction, the popular press is attempting to make it seem as though Muslim migrants have no intention of pressuring the Western world to adjust and succumb to the Shariah law. Videos like these, however, help remind us that the majority of migrants won’t ever be satisfied until the West has succumbed to Islam.

The video above is evidence of the Muslims occupying a street in Russia’s capital, Moscow, and entirely closing it down. The second they managed to take over the street, the Muslims started to pray, fully disregarding the fact that non-Muslims have the need to get to a certain part of the city.
Sadly, just after 8 years of Obama’s management, Muslims are slowly fulfilling their plan of doing exactly the same type of thing in America. The video below displays how the town of Dearborn Michigan has been 100 %  occupied by Muslims to the extent where it now has a Middle Eastern vibe and looks nothing like the U.S.

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