Monday, April 4, 2016

THIS Nation Just Outright BANNED Islam, All Mosques To Be DESTROYED

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When it comes to radical Islamic extremism there should be no ambiguity, in that common sense should always drive the political discussion, rather than attempting to be ”politically correct” at the expense of the innocent.

It seems that in Angola common sense and perhaps popular demand by its citizens has forced officials to take pre-emptive action and have decided to ban the Muslim religion within its country, which they consider a cult, and NOT a religion. 

In early October 2013, Muslims living in Luanda in the municipality of Viana Zango were shocked to see the minaret of their mosque dismantled into pieces on the ground without permission.

The Angolan authorities decided to destroy the mosque Zango located in the urban district of Viana 17 km. The governor of Luanda Bento announced in a radio spot that radical Muslims are not welcome in Angola and the Angolan government is not ready for the legalization of mosques in Angola.

On November 19th, the Minister of Culture, Rosa Cruz e Silva said. “Regarding Islam, the legalization process has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Therefore all mosques would be closed until further notice.
Obviously the Angolan government sees what is taking place in European capitals around the world especially in Africa, and are taking steps to prevent the same from happening in Angola.

Do you think Angola has gone too far in banning Islam completely from their society?

Do you think the United States could do more to temper Muslim extremism?

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