Saturday, April 9, 2016

Iran Threatens U.S. With War – Missiles Readied And Targeting US Aircraft Carrier USS Truman

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There’s no doubt that under this administration America is perceived as a much weaker nation than before, and the danger of course is that “perception” to those régimes in the Middle East, is “reality” and that’s where the true danger lies.
While Obama attempts his progressive abstract theories, which are designed more for a political science discussion in the classroom, rather than the cold uncompromising facts of world events, that a Commander-in-Chief must address.
It’s perhaps within that very context that the Iranian regime today warned that coast-to-sea missiles were awaiting orders to hit the American aircraft carrier deployed in the region.
Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi blamed the US navy for its excited and unprofessional moves after Iran arrested 10 US marines for trespassing on its territorial waters, warning that his forces’ coast-to-sea missiles were awaiting orders to hit the American aircraft carrier deployed in the region.
Stating; “The USS Truman Aircraft carrier showed unprofessional moves for 40 minutes after the detention of the trespassers, while we were highly prepared with our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities” and were ready to strike them in case they made a hostile move.”

Can anyone actually imagine that this type of provocative bluster by these 7th century barbarians under President Reagan’s watch? 

That’s the fundamental difference of true leadership, President Reagan and this regime understood each other well, there was no ambiguity between them, they respected Reagan, because they feared him. 


Here are the Iranian news reports in their entirety:
Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi blamed the US navy for its excited and unprofessional moves after Iran arrested 10 US marines for trespassing on its territorial waters, warning that his forces’ coast-to-sea missiles were awaiting orders to hit the American aircraft carrier deployed in the region.

The IRGC seized two US Navy boats on Tuesday and detained them on Iran’s Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf. Nine men and one woman arrived in Iran’s territorial waters in the Persian Gulf illegally when they were captured by the IRGC Navy.
Following the capture, two US and French aircraft carriers as well as their accompanying fleets and military choppers started maneuvering near Iranian waters.

“The USS Truman Aircraft carrier showed unprofessional moves for 40 minutes after the detention of the trespassers, while we were highly prepared with our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities” and were ready to strike them in case they made a hostile move, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said after Iran released the detained US marines.
h/t: Gateway Pundit

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