Sunday, April 10, 2016

BOMBSHELL: U.S. General Demands Immediate Arrest Of Hussein Obama For ‘Treasonous Activities’ (Video)

picisto-20150628201159-764803Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM  IGHTERS –

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul E. Vallely said recently during a radio interview that President Obama should be “arrested for treasonous activities.”

Vallely made his comments on the Real Side radio program saying that Obama should be held accountable for his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and his involvement with the Benghazi scandal. The general said that high-ranking military members have the power to hold Obama accountable.
Obama has ‘purged’ military leaders that don’t agree with his (lack of) strategy and has replaced them with what amounts to pawns that do what he says and believe in his agenda.

Randy DeSoto at Western Journalism reports:
The general listed bringing the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood against President el-Sisi in Egypt, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya, and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood’s operations in Syria among the acts amounting to treason.

Vallely believes Obama has taken these actions because he has an agenda. “We know he’s a radical Islamic sympathizer. He sympathizes with the Muslim Brotherhood,” he said.
He noted the Middle East is in disarray because of the policies of the administration. “Baghdad is under complete threat.” Further, Vallely pointed out that Major General Qasem Soleimani, from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, is “going to fly in, from what we hear, 8-15 thousand Iranian troops in to bolster Assad in Damascus and save that regime.” Newsweek reported on this move by Iran earlier this month.

Vallely also took Obama to task for stating a few weeks ago that he is waiting on the Pentagon to give him strategic plans to defeat ISIS. Obama’s remarks prompted a military official to respond: “What the f— was that? We have given him lots of options, he just hasn’t acted on them,” as reported by Fox News.
From Conservative Tribune:
Failing that, Vallely essentially recommended a military coup d’état, which is probably only justified in the most extreme circumstances.

But the general passionately believes that these are extreme circumstances because Obama is a traitor. Given that scenario, jail time for the president would be appropriate.
Do you agree with Gen. Vallely? Should President Obama be imprisoned for treason? Has our federal government become so out of control that its leaders should be removed from office, according to constitutional guidelines?
Here is the radio interview!

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