Sunday, December 20, 2015

Make your demands known

The next president of the United States of America needs to know what you believe.

You deserve a candidate who reflects your conservative beliefs. Not a Democrat-lite. Not someone beholden to the politically-correct class. Not someone who will govern by way of poll numbers.
When you authorize Heritage Action to send conservative demand letters to the top polling Republican presidential candidates — Donald Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio and Sen. Ted Cruz — on your behalf, you will direct the top presidential candidates to take immediate action on the issues, ideals, and policies that matter to you and your family.
Your letters to these candidates are telling them you want an authentic, strong, fearless conservative to lead this nation.

My demands as a conservative and concerned citizen:

Dear Presidential candidate,
As someone who understands why millions of conservative men and women did not vote in the last Presidential election, I know the only way we can win the White House in 2016 is to nominate an authentic, impassioned, fearless conservative candidate around whom freedom-loving Americans can rally.
The Washington Establishment does not serve the people, and so we have suffered at the hands of those awash in power, those who have turned their backs on their constituents, and those who forsake principles for political expediency.
I will not let this continue. That’s why the candidate I support must vow to:
Eliminate today’s federal tax code, and replace it with a new, fair, flat tax;
Free our children and grandchildren from the crushing national debt;
Reward hard work instead of no work;
Replace Obamacare with a market-driven, patient-centric reform;
Balance the federal budget by slashing the size of government;
Unleash the full potential of private enterprise by cutting regulations;
Stop illegal immigration by securing our borders and enforcing the laws;
Defend our nation against the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism;
Honor traditional marriage as the cornerstone of society;
Uphold the Constitution;
Believe in the power of “we, the people.”
Our forefathers founded America based on the timeless idea that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed with God-given, unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Moreover, they believed that government existed solely to secure those rights and that its power derived from the consent of the governed. From these principles flow the freedoms that have made the American Dream possible.
Our children and grandchildren depend on us as stewards of these principles. It is on their behalf that I submit my request that you act in their defense.

Send your conservative demand letter today

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