Monday, November 23, 2015

Woman’s warning to ISIS seen 7 million times. Obama can’t protect you anymore, Americans WILL


Woman’s warning to ISIS seen 7 million times. Obama can’t protect you anymore, Americans WILL

Emily Longworth, slams Obama and his administration for their failure to stop ISIS.
“They have sat idly by twiddling their thumbs and tightening the chains around the necks of my countrymen when they snarl at the taste of Islamic blood,” she said. “They have coddled our enemies and nurtured their foundation all while telling my people to stand down and remain silent.”
Longworth advised ISIS to not take comfort in the weakness of Obama who she said “no longer possess the ability to speak on behalf of the American people.”
“He has turned his back on us and as a result we have turned our fronts to you,” she said.
“I implore you to reconsider your next move though because once you activate on American soil you will be coming head to head and toe to toe with the beast that will redefine your definition of judgement day and the last thing you will see before your 72 virgins is the face of an American that validated your one-way ticket to the show.”

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