Thursday, November 19, 2015

50 Intel Analysts: Obama Changes Our Reports, Threatens Those Who Speak Out


50 Intel Analysts: Obama Changes Our Reports, Threatens Those Who Speak Out

50 Intel Analysts: Obama Changes Our Reports, Threatens Those Who Speak Out
Obama Punishing Truth Tellers
Examples are multitudinous the he is no friend of the American people or of those who would help protect the nation.
Barack Obama is pretending his ISIS “strategy” is working even though we can all clearly see that it isn’t.
The President said during his ISIS presser that he vigorously rejected the idea that he should go further with his war against ISIS, dismissing critics who were playing “political games” or offering “shallow solutions”. He said he’s getting advice from the greatest military minds.
“And keep in mind that we have the finest military in the world and we have the finest military minds in the world, and I’ve been meeting with them intensively for years now, discussing these various options, and it is not just my view but the view of my closest military and civilian advisors that that would be a mistake [to have boots on the ground] — not because our military could not march into Mosul or Raqqa or Ramadi and temporarily clear out ISIL, but because we would see a repetition of what we’ve seen before…”
But in fact, advisers either tell him what he wants to hear or they could face losing their livelihoods.
More than 50 intelligence analysts have confirmed that their work has been altered to say the war against ISIS is more successful than it is.
The President has been warned repeatedly about ISIS by US intelligence, but Obama and his minions have created a “fantasy world” that doesn’t allow for any truth they disagree with.
Former CIA operative, Joshua Katz said the truth about ISIS has been routinely forged and anyone who bucks them is threatened.  People who disagree or who are whistleblowers are punished. It’s been constant since the beginning of this administration.
Katz said a lot of people want to come forward but they’re afraid.
It is evident that Obama detests the military. He has instituted a Political Correctness campaign that has little to nothing to do with military readiness, and everything to do with social engineering. He has cut budgets dramatically and instituted programs that weaken the military and cause senior leaders to leave.  The president is so overly sensitive that he cannot listen to senior military leaders and will get rid of anyone who disagrees with what he says, creating a culture of fear and distrust where there needs to be a conviction that the president will listen to and carefully consider even the worst news and evaluations regarding this nations safety and future.
Now he has lost the confidence of the world regarding terrorism. He will not name a terrorist group if it suggests they are Muslim in their beliefs and culture as well as barbarians and butchers, even when the evidence is clearly there. He is willing to cede leadership in the war against the terrorists to Vladimir Putin who has clear designs on the Middle East. And he is even willing to invite thousands of Syrian “refugees” who may or may not be Muslim terrorists into this country, and to mock and malign anyone who would question his decision.
He is a man out of control, drunk on power and filled with an arrogance that is ever so dangerous.  He is a very small man with a very, very big opinion of himself, and he is dragging this country down in ways we could not have even contemplated a few short years ago.

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