We know that Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is part of the political “establishment”… but we didn’t know he took it this far!
As the Nevada GOP primary caucus is underway, reports of an extramarital affair Rubio had with a Washington, D.C. lobbyist have surfaced.
Per sources in Florida, Marco Rubio – while serving as the Speaker of the Florida State House of Representatives – used an American Express credit card from the Florida Republican Party to pay for AT LEAST 17 separate trips for Rubio and lobbyist Amber Stoner. Strangely, she would frequently end up in the same destinations, at the same time:
The records are publicly searchable here on The Florida Times-Union website.
Florida insiders are asking why a healthcare lobbyist would travel on his credit card… including to some resort towns?
The personal lives of candidates shouldn’t matter, but they do. That’s because when you are the Leader of the Free World, details like this can lead to unethical behavior and blackmail. This is a dangerous accusation that is about to explode just at the wrong time for Rubio.
What do you think about Rubio’s alleged affair with a D.C. lobbyist?
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