Saturday, February 20, 2010

He is Not Only a Communist, He is a Muslim

This article was authered by Richard McDonald. You can read his other article at

The jury is out. Barack Obama and many Democrats are socialists which as Lenin said is just the final step to communism. The age-old collectivist poison that society should have equal economic outcomes for all its citizens has failed throughout history because genetically as well as environmentally one man is never equal to another. One always is more capable than the other and will not endlessly work to fund the difference.

Barack Obama is essentially a communist. He wants to “redistribute wealth” and that sits well with those millionaire liberals in Congress all of whom have privatized investment accounts they deny their constituents (the “Thrift Savings Plan”) because they have convinced the people they can deliver the “common good” which enables them to control the media, academe, unions, government workers, blacks and half the population.

The Tea Party Movement is a powerful revolt against the Democrats and Barack Obama’s assault on free enterprise, capitalism and the freedom and liberty guaranteed to each individual American by the Constitution. It is more than likely that Obama and his Democrats will suffer a great loss in November mid-terms because America is center-right not a radical leftist commune-in-the-making.

Unfortunately Obama is not up for re-election in November and he poses another serious problem Americans will have to face for the next two-and-a-half years – he is a Muslim. If you doubt he is their front man catch the video - on You Tube. He is using America’s religious tolerance, political correctness, multiculturalism and a myriad of other devices to slip the Muslim “political organization” right past our noses.

Make no mistake that unlike America their religion dictates their politics and governmental policies. Muslim countries have adopted the barbaric Sharia law that dictates beheadings, vaginal mutilation, dismemberment, honor killings, genocide for homosexuals and non-Muslims because the Koran, Hadith and their other religious texts are considered to be the actual word of God which no government or people can dispute.

These people are so primitive they have a center in most cities for the public to view amputations and beheadings. They haven’t progressed from the days Rome set lions loose on the Christians in the Coliseum. The have a military arm called al Qaeda that is running around the world killing non-Muslims. They use terror as the fear-inducing technique and the principle that any means justifies their end to create a world-wide Caliphate where everyone is a Muslim.
It is that “any means justifies the end” that Obama is using to infiltrate Muslims into America and their rule into our culture. If you have any doubts – just view that video – Obama tells that story in his own words and deeds.

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