Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama Pretending to Care

Just now I heard president Obama pretending to care about the Tea Party participants. What he actually said was that they are all mistaken and don’t know enough to be involved in their own best interest.

He intimated that he is willing explain to us the error of our ways. He said he is very willing to discuss the economy, Social Security, and Socialized Healthcare with us. He will show us the error of our ways.

I think that he would chicken out of a debate with Dick McDonald and his solution to Social Security, Payroll Taxes, and other points expressed in Dick’s Rise Up America as seen at It would be fun to watch that debate. I personally would like to debate the similarity of what the National Socialists did to Europe in the 1930’s and what he is doing to America in 2009.

He has no desire to debate anything with his distracters. He has not had a direct debate with any opponent because he needs a script to read from the teleprompter with out which he can’t put two sentences together. Obama is doing what he has always done, lots of rhetoric that kind of sounds good, especially to those who refuse to think for them selves. He is placating his followers trying to dispel any doubt that might be starting to brew in their minds. I mean where would he be if they all started to use fact, logic, and reason when he is spinning his stuff? He might have to start making sense.

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