Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Establishment GOP Is Fighting A War It Is Bound To Lose

By | March 7, 2016 |


Not since before the American Civil War have we seen a major political party cease to exist, and a new one emerge. But that process is now underway.

No matter who becomes the nominee of the GOP this election cycle, the Republican Party as we know it is already doomed. The emergence and success of Donald Trump has forever changed the GOP and nothing the “establishment” does can change the course the party is now on.

This explosion has been long coming and has been nurtured by the establishment itself. The actions of establishment Republicans and the RNC these past few weeks have shed more light on how out of touch Republican leaders are.

Trump didn’t bring about this revolution, the “establishment” did. I watched with embarrassment as establishment poster boy Mitt Romney went on national TV to act as a hit man for the RNC against Donald Trump. This was not the first attempt to derail Trump, and each has been answered with more Trump support.

You would think that common sense would kick in here. You would think that these political leaders — intelligent and accomplished men and women — would realize their tactics are not working. Instead we see more of the same.

The Republican establishment has truly gone insane. The RNC, in their attempts to stop Trump, have only boosted his popularity. Yet despite their failure they try and try again.

If you’ve ever wondered why the GOP has been so ineffective in recent years, I think you have your answer staring you in the face. The establishment has shown us all, on a national stage, just how out of touch they are, even with the members of their own Party. They have become so desperate that they don’t even realize that their anti-Trump tirades are in fact attacks on the party’s rank and file. They are saying that their voice, doesn’t matter in the Party, that the “establishment” knows what’s best and will dictate that to it’s people. Disagree? Be prepared to be called  ignorant, uneducated, uninformed, angry, fearful, racist, dangerous, and hateful, among other things.

There is a Civil War going on right now inside the GOP. I only have to take to my own Facebook page to see the battle raging day and night. My page, a highly political one, with a majority of conservatives, seems to have turned into a battleground you would see between conservatives and liberals. People I have worked with in politics, people I’ve campaigned with, served on Committee’s with, are fighting one another tooth and nail for the very soul of the Republican Party, and it isn’t pretty.

In recent weeks I have jumped into the fray via social media to get a closer look at this battle that is raging. I could see how easily it frustrated the “establishment” types I know to take me on with a pre-Trump stance, because they couldn’t put me into one of their dismissive stereotypes. I started volunteering on campaigns in high school, had my first political job working for a Democratic State Attorney General at the age of 19 while getting my BA in Political Science from the University of Southern California. I would go on to work for a Republican Governor, and spend more than a decade of my fairly young life working on the Right side of the aisle. I’ve worked campaigns from local to Presidential, I have worked with the establishment and the Tea Party, I have been a grassroots leader, I have been an elected member of the Republican Party apparatus in my State and worked heavily with the State Party. It’s hard to argue that I am an uneducated, anti-establishment type.

Having been an insider, my idealistic and naive views I walked into politics with at a young age quickly evolved. I got involved to make a difference, to change the world, to make my country a better place, and assumed that most were in it for the same. It didn’t take long to see that I was the minority, especially the higher up the political food chain I was exposed to. I’m not saying the professional political class doesn’t care about issues and principles but many of your consultants, your donors, your paid political leaders have greater concerns at hand.

I once drank the Kool-aid of the political party system. First that of the Democrats, then the Republicans, and one thing I came out with was a realization that at the core of the establishment, there isn’t much difference between the two. Our political parties today have been corrupted, it’s leaders have been corrupted. Even if they went into their job for the right reasons, we see a system that is corrupt with cronyism that values power, money and control, more so than any of the principles the politicians in their Party tout.

The ball that Trump got rolling, will not be stopped by the establishment, no matter how desperate their attempts, nor whether Trump wins the nomination or not. None of that will change the uprising that is occurring. The day of reckoning in the GOP is upon us.

Trump has already won the battle and set in motion a historic revolution to our Party system. The establishment types are in denial about it but will not be able to deny it much longer. It is no longer politics as usual thanks to Donald Trump. And this is only the beginning.

If the GOP should capture the White House this year, look for a similar battle to build and explode within the Democratic Party in the years to come. The times they are a changing… For now, take note, and watch as history unfolds in front of you. You can tell your grandkids one day about the Republican Party you once knew and how you witnessed one of the craziest election cycles of American history that forever changed your Party and the United States of America – for the better.

Felicia Tweedy is a political activist who has worked on both sides of the aisle, and an entertainment industry professional.

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