Saturday, January 2, 2016

Obama To Release Even More GITMO Detainees Than Expected

While everyone is planning their holiday and New Year, the Obama Administration is potentially planning on releasing the largest number of GITMO detainees since 2007.
Of course, they’ll announce this around the holidays when no one is paying attention.

This at a time when Islamic terrorism activity and threats are increasing on a regular basis, including in the United States.


In the world of Barack Obama, reality has no true bearing on any of his decisions. As we see every day, his policies aren’t determined by true reality but rather his intransigent philosophical beliefs. So in January 2009 Obamaland, if you say Guantanamo Bay must be closed, regardless of the global Islamic terror environment, it must be closed. And to hammer that point home, you’ll tell yourself — and create the false narrative — that the enemy will just stop and sing kumbaya once GITMO is closed.

So get ready, whether they’re naughty or nice, sometime between now and Christmas Day, a group of GITMO unlawful enemy combatants will be released back into the “wild.”

As reported by Fox News, “The Obama administration may be moving toward one of the biggest transfers of Guantanamo Bay prisoners in years, as part of the president’s slow-moving and still-controversial push to empty the camp.

They are doing this knowing that GITMO detainees indeed return to the ‘battlefield’ to continue where they left off.

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