Sunday, December 20, 2015

Secret Service Agent Says Obama Is Muslim & Gay In New Tell-All Book

The Black House by Paul Horner

Written by Michael Davies
The Black House by Paul Horner
A book by a former Secret Service agent claims Barack Obama is a gay Muslim. (AP Photo/Dennis System, File) / AP
Washington, DC — A former Secret Service agent whose new book is quickly climbing Amazon’s best-seller charts, said he is concerned about the state of the country and says it is time the public knows the real truth about our Commander in Chief, Barack Obama.
Former agent, Paul Horner, in his new tell-all book “The Black House,” reveals what goes on inside the White House when the news cameras are turned off.
In an interview with NBC News, Horner told Senior Political Analyst Tom Downey that he is one-hundred-percent positive that President Obama is not only gay, but a radical Muslim as well.
“Everyone on the inside knows that Obama is gay and a Muslim, it is common knowledge,” Horner said. “I saw many men coming and going from Obama’s room, at all hours. I would say a good portion of the men, over fifty-percent, were Muslim.”
Downey: “In your book you talk about several rituals Obama preformed to unwind from his busy schedule. Can you elaborate on these for our viewers?”
Horner: “When no one was around, except his security, Obama couldn’t wait to get out of his suit and into his Muslim tunic. He would wear it while praying to the prophet Muhammad throughout the day. During these prayer sessions he insisted that he not be disturbed.”

Downey: “Your book spends a whole chapter devoted to the various “tortures” that Obama and the First Lady would subject you to. Can you explain?”
Horner: “Because I was white, Obama would force me to listen to Diana Ross at full volume, every day, at all hours of the night. It was horrible, I never got any sleep. This is one of the main reasons I finally had to quit.”
Downey: “Can you give us any insight on Obama’s feelings towards the American people?”
Horner: “He constantly made jokes about Americans, frequently referring to them as “mongoloids” and “idiots”. Christians were his favorite verbal punching bags. He has absolutely no respect for the Christian religion. I believe he actually hates Christians, and finds their ideology to be old fashioned and ignorant.”
Downey: “What are some of the things the public will find the most shocking?”
Horner: “Probably the sheer amount of men he welcomed into his bed quarters. I am in no way homophobic, but Obama’s insatiable lust for homosexual liaisons is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed. We’re talking 10-15 partners in a single day.”
Downey: “That’s amazing, 10-15 in a single day? Wow.”
Horner: “Also, at least once a day, Obama would have us log on to Facebook and report a page about a Dolphin named Fappy who travels around the country speaking to elementary school children about the dangers and consequences of masturbation. It was all very, very strange stuff.”
Downey: “Is there anything else you can tell us?”
Horner: “Yeah (Horner smiles), buy the book.”
To read more, pick up a copy of Horner’s book, The Black House, now available on Amazon and at your local bookstore.

VIDEO: Secret Service Agent Says Obama Is Muslim & Gay In New Tell-All Book


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