Monday, December 14, 2015

Muslims Killing Thousands Of Dogs With Absolutely Sick Method


muslims kill dogs sick
Muslims hate dogs for a very similar reason that many Christians hate snakes; due to a story out of their holy book. Just as the serpent gets a bad rap in Christianity for tempting Eve with the apple from the tree of forbidden fruit, there is a story of a pack of wild dogs attacking the pedophile Mohomed in the Quran, and Muslims have believed that the only good dog is a dead dog ever since, just like many Christians believe that the only good snake is a dead snake.
Sickeningly, a bunch of Muslims in Iran recently went on a stray dog killing spree. The way they killed the dogs is one of the most gruesome forms of euthanasia one could imagine. They literally injected acid into the dogs and allowed them to die a grueling, painful death as the acid worked its way to their hearts.
Maybe we should all say the only good Muslim is… well, fill in the blank, folks.

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