Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sen Durbin Calls For 100,000 Man Muslim Army Invasion Of America – “We’re Obligated To Do More”

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It’s our duty as Americans to turn our backs to the daggers, machetes and bomb belts of Arab terrorists and Senator Dick Durbin insists the time to do so is now. The Marxist tool of the anti-Americans is anxious to import their operatives and an army of 100,000 is a good place to start. They’ll bump that number up significantly next year, but they’ve got to start somewhere and those gang banging Central Americans and Mexicans can only be expected to do so much.
There are a few key points this subversive trash chooses to leave out of his little lie fest which don’t support his invasion and don’t mesh with the false narrative he’s delivering.
First of all, generally speaking, they’re not Syrians, they’re not refugees and they’re mostly terrorist-aged males. If they were really the displaced victims of war, they would be the ones remaining behind to fight and it would be their non-existent women and children who are being provided shelter. This is an invading army, impure and simple, whose enemy is Christian and Jewish America.
The anti-American Durbin declares that we have a moral obligation to provide for these people and to do so by relocating them here into the United States. No, Senator, we do not. We have a moral obligation to our own families and that includes protecting them from the threats posed by you and your secret army.
His supposed call upon the regime to accept 100,000 “Syrian refugees” is hardly genuine, coming on the heels of the initiation of just such an action by the Obama regime through the criminal DHS leadership. Durbin is the tool making the presentation, as per his White House instructions of something that is already underway.
The treasonous Senator tries to argue the case for the invasion by “putting the 100,000 figure into perspective.” He notes the reckless idiocy of Angela Merkel’s destructive act in Germany as if their self-destructive stupidity is in some way a pretext validating our own.
He points out that we accepted over 750,000 Vietnamese refugees, who were impacted by a war that we were actively involved in, thereby occupying a more responsible position for their situation. The 500,000 Cuban refugees he cites would have never existed had we not overthrown Batista in Cuba in support of the known communist Fidel Castro and then deliberately sabotaged the opportunity to overthrow Castro with the flawed Bay of Pigs “rebellion.”
The Soviet Jews he references were legitimate refugees, not a stealth army. If Durbin were really interested in those being persecuted, he would be pursuing that same thinking, with the line for entry into America composed strictly of non-Muslim Syrians, particularly Christians. They are being excluded for some odd reason by the regime, likely a recognition that they’d assimilate too well and their ranks are devoid of terrorists, defeating the whole purpose of the exercise.
He claims that the Muslims from Somalia and Bosnia have assimilated into America, which is a blatant Democrat lie. They live in segregated enclaves, shunning and condemning the benevolent America that surrounds them.
Reminiscent of a mattress salesman promising us the best night’s sleep ever, Durbin assures his audience that we diligently vet every prospective terrorist to make sure they’re American material. It’s a lie that he knows is a lie and is deliberately telling, intentionally putting the American people in jeopardy.
He’s the number three Democrat in the Senate, engaged in criminal deception and the question as to what motivates him is one that needs to be asked. Durbin’s been in the same hearings as everybody else or at least should have been. He’s aware that those responsible for the vetting process have stated that there are no databases upon which to make any decision as to the character, background and terrorist potential of those he wants us to support in our own neighborhoods. The government that normally provides data for such an investigation no longer exists in Syria and has not for quite some time. There simply is nothing to check.
He closes saying that “the fact that only 1,700 have made it to our nation in the last four years, tells us that we need to do more.”
Yes it does, Senator Durbin, it tells us that we need to do more to restrict entry. Those 1,700 should never have been admitted, and the army of Muslim invaders that you, Hussein Obama and “Jihad Jeh” Johnson are calling for should be a flat non-starter.
Durbin is a treasonous, disgraceful global government puppet threatening the American people. We know what he’s doing and we know why.

I’m Rick Wells – a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. I’m not PC; I call it like I see it. – Please “Like” me on Facebook, “Follow” me on Twitter or visit &

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