Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Russian, Syrian Government Forces Begin Crushing ISIS - Instigator News

Russian, Syrian Government Forces Begin Crushing ISIS - Instigator News

image: http://instigatornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/russian_army-650x433-300x180.jpg

It’s not likely to get much coverage in America until Barrack Hussein Obama decides it’s time to pull the wool over the eyes of the gullible one final time and catalyze World War III over it, but it is being reported by the non-Western press that the army of Bashar al-Assad, aided by Russian reinforcements, has started crushing Islamic State militants who had previously seized major cities in Syria.
According to Pravda, “Western experts and journalists believe that the Syrian troops receive substantial military assistance from Russian military men at the base in Latakia.” Russia has reportedly deployed modern heavy weapons, including air defense, missile systems and aviation. Russia’s national television channel Zvezda reported that the Syrian army forced ISIS militants to retreat from Palmyra, “although they hide in residential areas and use ancient monuments as a cover.”
“The militants, who had been keeping the city under control and destroying priceless ancient monuments for months, are being killed in the air raids of the Syrian Air Force. During the most recent attack, 40 terrorists were destroyed in the province of Homs…”
  • Zvezda, Sept 23, 2015
It was also reported that many militants of the Islamic State are laying down their arms and surrendering.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had previously expressed puzzlement as to why the U.S. does not destroy ISIS, since Washington knows everything about the whereabouts of ISIS bases.
One of the questions being asked by non-Western press entities such as Global Research is why the U.S. has done virtually nothing to stop ISIS. The presence of many U.S.-made weapons and heavy equipment among those captured by al-Assad’s forces speak rather loudly toward answering that question.
“Many experts and journalists say that ISIS is a ‘product of the USA,’” according to Global Research. This has been taken as a given by regular readers here at INN for quite awhile, since this publication has regularly reported on the titanic heap of evidence implicating the Obama administration and members of both parties of Congress in the funding, arming, and training of ISIS. The work of former U.S. Army Psychological Operations Lt. Scott Bennett has been instrumental in unraveling the U.S. government’s cover-up of the Union Bank of Switzerland’s collusion with the NSA, CIA, Booz Allen Hamilton, and US Central Command regarding U.S. financing of Islamist terror groups.
So, the evidence clearly exists – and it is damning. It is also likely that there is a wealth of additional evidence on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s controversial email server.
According to Global Research and other foreign press outlets, since this Summer, the American press readily admitted that ISIS was bringing arms and fighters in through NATO territory. Apparently they (the American press) presumed Americans were too stupid to draw the conclusion that this amounted to complicity on the part of NATO, and by extension, the Obama administration.
“Reports of confirmed, extensive logistical networks passing through NATO and US-ally territory, into Syria, contradict the current prevailing narrative that ISIS is an ‘indigenous’ terrorist organization, funded and self-sustaining within the territory it currently holds in both Syria and Iraq. The Western media has attempted to claim with little evidence that ISIS’ immense, global operations are somehow underwritten by “ransom payments” and “black market oil” it has seized in eastern Syria.
Clearly, not only are these reports as untenable as they are untrue, the Western media itself has reported precisely how ISIS has been sustaining its impressive fighting capacity – with billions of dollars of state-sponsored aid flowing through NATO territory, directly to their front lines.”
  • Global Research, July 13, 2015
The question then becomes: Given all of the empirical evidence, why do Barack Hussein Obama and his co-conspirators remain in power, rather than facing an international war crimes tribunal?

Read more at http://instigatornews.com/russian-syrian-government-forces-begin-crushing-isis/#OyUDvgdubV3syZYd.99

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