Bulgaria, Slovakia, Italy & France: Tens of Thousands March Against Islamization

Bulgarians call it how they see it, it is a pity our leaders can’t do the same.
(When Governments lie to their people…the people stop trusting them. That should be enough warning to Police and other Government agencies that insist on delivering Politically Correct rubbish. —Call it as you see it—that is Australian!)
Thousands of Bulgarians protest Muslim land grabbing: ‘You are not Europeans, you are barbarians’
BULGARIANS step up attacks on mosque in Plovdiv city with stones, smoke and stun grenades in protest against Muslim infiltrators demanding to be given old… THEMUSLIMISSUE.WORDPRESS.COM
safe_imageaSLOVAKIA FOR SLOVAKS: “Muslims are always the enemy”
Thousands of Slovaks come out for anti-Muslim ‘Stop Islamization of Europe’ protest rally, dozens arrested. RT (h/t Maria J) At least 140 people have been… BARENAKEDISLAM.COM
safe_imageMailand: Zehntausende Italiener demonstrieren gegen Masseneinwanderung – “Stop Invasione” -…
In Mailand haben am Samstag Abend mehrere Tausend Anhänger der Lega Nord unter dem Titel “Stop Invasione – prima la nostra gente” (“Stoppt die Invasion –…PI-NEWS.NET
FRANCE: Anti-Islam activists stage ‘Day Against (Muslim) Immigration’ protest in Calais
Calais is flooded with illegal alien Muslim invaders squatting and pissing in the streets, robbing stores